
Driving on Foreign lands with an Indian driving license!!!!


Driving can be a leisure activity and can also take you to work on time. Especially, while on vacation, driving in foreign lands, experiencing the beauty of the landscapes and terrain can be quite enthralling. So here is a list of foreign countries which allow you to drive with an Indian driving license:

1. Germany

You may drive in Germany for 6 months on an Indian license. However, keep in mind that the officials will want a German or English copy of your license.

2. United Kingdom

With an Indian driving license, you can travel to the United Kingdom for one year. Driving with an Indian license is permitted in all three countries: Scotland, England, and Wales.

3. Australia

You can drive in Australia with an Indian driving license, but the duration is limited to three months and the license must be in English. In addition, driving in Australia is done on the left side of the road, as it is in India.

4. New Zealand

The little Pacific country has beautiful driving roads and allows tourists to drive for a year on their home country’s license. You are also limited to the type of vehicle for which your license is valid.

5. Switzerland

Visitors with valid driver’s licenses are permitted to drive in the gorgeous countryside for a year. Driving a leased automobile in Switzerland is feasible provided you have an English copy of your Indian driving license.

6. South Africa

Driving around on your Indian license will allow you to discover South Africa’s lovely towns and landscapes. The key is to check that the license is current, that it is printed in English, and that it includes your photo and signature.

7. Sweden

To drive a car in Sweden, you must have a driving license in one of the following languages: English, Swedish, German, French, or Norwegian, which allows you to travel to your destination with your own car.

8. Singapore

This country enables tourists to drive across the country using their international driving license. For a year, you can drive using an Indian driving license.

9. Hong Kong

With an Indian driving license, you can lawfully drive a car in Hong Kong for a year and enjoy the ethnicity of the nation.

10. Malaysia

To be able to drive on Malaysian roads, the Indian driving license must be in English or Malay. The Indian Embassy in Malaysia must approve the paper.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How to know if it’s time to leave your current job !!!!!!!!!!!!

In a competitive world where there can never be enough opportunities, professionals tend to burn out, and often in a job they are not even happy in. Despite hardships with uncooperative colleagues, lack of personal time, or poor salary, the hope is that it will all be worth the effort. But there are some instances wherein you have to put your foot down for yourself to go forward.
Letting go of a job that promises financial security is not an easy decision, but making sure that you are doing your best – whether inside or outside the company – is essential for your own progress. For a quick check, consider the following aspects of your job, and if the answers satisfy you enough to continue what you are doing, or if it is a waste of time.
View photos
Does your job help you achieve your dream for your career? The question here is whether you are proud of what you do, and whether you will be able to convince others of its value.

Toxic work culture
No job, no brand, no company is worth your self-respect and mental health. Unfortunately, some workplaces have an unhealthy culture of HR department ignoring complaints of ill-treatment from bosses, which induce anxiety and sometimes even depression. Since most of our waking hours are spent at work, colleagues by extension become an active part of our professional habitat; an unsupportive bunch can diminish your productivity. Even if you fall back on your targets, if you are repeatedly treated with public humiliation by the upper management instead of having civil conversations, no doubt that is the final straw.

Challenging your principals
Compromise is the rule of the day; but we all have our limits in adapting too. If you feel that complying with your company’s strategies (against your personal principles) will eventually lead to self-disgust, better nip it in the bud. For instance, if you are a lawyer working for a corporate company, and you feel that the company denies human rights to its employees, ask yourself how you can change it. And if you cannot change the status quo or take on the big bosses, and feels disturbed on a daily basis, that’s your time to leave.

Little scope for personal branding
Branding rules the world. You need to build your brand and make yourself stand out to rise in career. If you want to build you career, say, as a researcher, you need to be in an organization that needs knowledge professionals in your field of expertise. Does your organization provide you with the scope to showcase your potential? Unless you are planning a change of field, the company you work for plays a significant role in branding you, and upping your skills. Your branding tells future employers/clients that you are the right person to satisfy their needs. View photos
Despite hardships with uncooperative colleagues, lack of personal time, or poor salary, the hope is that it will all be worth the effort. But there are a few factors to look out for.

No opportunity for growth
Do you want to do what your boss does? If you find the next level in your current job unappealing, there is no reason to stay. To understand the further step ups and possible promotions in your profile, seek advice from mentors and those who have gone through similar experiences. After all, sticking to age-old company traditions is a career killer. It is change that opens doors to new opportunities. Make change happen proactively. Work with the assumption that your role has to change every few years or you’re not working right.

Not enabling your ambition
Does your job help you achieve your dream for your career? The question here is whether you are proud of what you do, and whether you will be able to convince others of its value. You need to figure out what you want from your future career – whether its money, flexibility, or excitement. A detailed list of priorities can help you zero in on your ideal job. When you are in a job you are not happy in, you may not be able to give it your best efforts, which in turn will affect your confidence too


Article: !!!!!!!!! How Exactly Do Your Palm Lines Predict Your Future?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Palm reading was started in India, and since then people all over the world started learning the art of understanding the different lines on the palm and analysing them in order to make predictions about a person's life.
Understanding palmistry becomes essential as one can find out what one's fate has in store for them from the lines on one's palm.
There are different ways in which one can find out about the lives of an individual. Reading the lines on your palm will enable you to find out ways to predict your future and the number of children that you will have in this life.
For those who do not understand the lines on the palm, here we bring in the guide that can help you understand the essential lines of palmistry that are linked to the occurrence of significant events in our lives.
Check them out.
The first thing that you need to know before learning palmistry is that you need to choose your dominant hand for reading the lines as it represents your work life, and how you would portray yourself to the world.
On the other hand, it shows the personal relationships and the emotional struggles that you would face in your life.
Since most of us believe in palm reading, we have to remember that this may not be true for everyone. We need to understand that our palm lines are often changing. So it's always recommended that you keep a check on your palm from time to time.
The Life Line

The Life Line shows your passion and physical strength. If you have a long line, it does not mean that you will live longer. Instead, it displays about your health conditions and change of environments in which we live in. This line is said to stretch out as an arc. It generally begins between your thumb and the index finger and toward your wrist.

If The Life Line Is A Thick And Strong Line:

Then you are a person who is full of passion and is believed to get sick rarely. On the other hand, you have a resilient spirit.

If The Life Line Is Weak Or Is Broken:

Then you are a person who is more reactive to stress with regard to society. On the other hand, you would also face difficulties in the health sector.

If The Life Line Overlaps The Head Line:

Then you are a person who will feel a lack of confidence and negativity around you all the time. You need to be careful about the things you decide as most of your decisions are taken in a hurry.

If The Life Line Does Not Overlap The Head Line:

Then you are a person who is a free-spirited individual, and there are times when you will lack empathy.

The Fate Line

The fate line is also called the 'Line of Destiny'. This line starts from the base of the palm or for a few it starts from the centre of the palm and is close to the wrist. The line is said to move from the bottom of the middle finger.

If The Fate Line Is Bold And Straight:

If your fate line is bold and straight, then your life will be significant. You will have success in anything that you do.

If You Do Not Have A Fate Line Or If The Fate Line Is Very Thin:

If You Have More Than Two Fate Lines:

If you have more than two fate lines, which start at different starting points, then it shows that you have real potential to look at things transparently and at the same time, you can enjoy life.

The Heart Line

The heart line is said to start at the bottom of your pinky, and it moves towards the index finger. The heart line shows your tendency to love and also shows your passion for love and affection.

If The Heart Line Starts 1/4th From Your Pinky:

If the heart line starts at 1/4th from your pinky, then you have average mental power and mid flexibility. As an individual, you are hardworking and known to get what exactly you want regarding love. As an individual, you can easily cope up with heartbreak.

If The Heart Line Is Closer To Your Pinky:

If the heart line is closer to your pinky, then you are a person who has a balanced love life which you tend to shut off from the outside world, and you seem to keep your love life private. On the other hand, you don't go looking around for new love, but once you get attached, then your love is deep as it will last for a long time. You need to try new hobbies to spend your time.

If The Heart Line Is Away From Your Pinky:

If your heart line is away from your pinky, then you are dauntless and unselfish as an individual. The farther the point, it is believed to be higher the character. On the other hand, you also can make friends with almost anyone around you.

The Head Line

The head line is all about brain power and inspiration. This line is said to have major significance about the way you think about everything. This line is also believed to show a chronology of your life. This line is supposed to be right above the lifeline, which is on the side of your palm. It is located between the thumb and index finger and is said to spread across the palm.

If The Head Line Overlaps The Life Line At The Beginning:

If the head line overlaps the life line, then there are chances that you may feel insecure and negative. On the other hand, you seem to have a good sense of stability.

If The Head Line Is A Long Line Extending To The Base Of Your Ring Finger:

If the head line is seen to be extending to the base of your ring finger, then you will be dependent on others' point of view. Others' thoughts seem to influence your life.

If There Are More Than Two Head Lines:

If you have two or more head lines that seem to start at different starting points, then it shows that you are brilliant and adaptable as an individual.

The Love Line

It shows how much you are most likely to care, be loved and become popular among the opposite gender. The line is also said to show the strength of your communication skills. The line starts from the base of the fate line.

If You Have More Than Two Love Lines:

If you have more than two lines which have different starting points, it reveals that you have an irresistible potential of being popular among the opposite gender.

If Your Love Line Is Prominent And Straight:

If your love line is prominent and straight, then you are a person who is most likely to be strongly loved by your partner.

If Your Love Line Is Absent Or Is Very Thin:

If your love line is absent or it is fragile, then you are making great efforts to be loved by that special someone.

The Money Line Or The Fame Line

The money line is also known as the fame line which is usually under your index finger. It is said that the line begins on the sun mount, at the base of your ring finger and it moves upwards.

If The Money Line Is Long And Prominent:

If your money line is seen to be long and prominent, then money is supposed to be least of your worries! You seem to be that type of person who would put money aside to save for the future instead.

If The Money Line Is Absent Or If The Line Is Very Short:

If the money line is absent or if the line is very short then you seem not to feel attached to money. On the other hand, you work very hard for what you care, and at the same time, you could also care less about how much you earn.

If There Are Numerous Short Money Lines:

If there are numerous short money lines, then you are somebody who is very careless with money. You seem to spend money on yourself and others in your life without a second thought.

If The Money Line Begins Under Your Pinky And Goes To The Centre Of Your Palm:

If the money line begins under your pinky finger and goes up to the centre of your palm, then you are lucky especially if the line is more precise. You can work harder as you can always dream to be rich!

If The Money Line Begins At The Base Of Your Ring Finger And Goes Inside Of Your Palm:

Then you are a person who seems to take over a family business or get lucky in the ancestral inheritance property.

The Marriage Line

This line shows how prone you are to marriage or the situation of your married life. The marriage line is located above the heart line just below the base of the little finger.

If The Marriage Line Is Moving Upwards:

If the marriage line is seen moving upwards, then you are happier as a person. You will have a great marriage. On the other hand, if you are single, then you will have the wedding that you have always been dreaming of.

If The Marriage Line Is Moving Downwards:

If the marriage line is moving downward, then there is much negativity in your marriage, or there are chances that you may have problems which cannot be resolved quickly. On the other hand, if you are single, and you don't believe in the concept of a wedding, then you are heart-broken. Remember that love is not on your list of priority right now.

If The Marriage Line Has A Split End:

Then there are chances of you getting divorced. There are many chances of a break up coming your way.

Driving on Foreign lands with an Indian driving license!!!!

  Driving can be a leisure activity and can also take you to work on time. Especially, while on vacation, driving in foreign lands, experien...