
share!!!: Indian tale about love,destiny and karma

Slumdog Millionaire : If one truly loves something ,there is no doubt that one gets it.

Few things are pre-decided. Seed decides the fate of the crop. Few manipulations can be done but fate can never be changed entirely. If we know in advance then we can be selective about our decisions and can opt less risky or more beneficial path, but this is also true that no path is free from troubles and problems. Every path has its flavour. A person has certain possibilities but code of these possibilities is hidden in his/her seed. His very existence is based on something special. S/he can try to become like someone whole her/his life but that’s nothing more than a deviation from her/his true self. Its merely acting. We hanker after things available to others because market controls our lives. Misfit is the word which represents most the people of present era on earth. People are generally misfit in whatever they are doing because they are not following their inner desire. They are not evolving in that direction for which they had taken birth. Circumstances are moulding them because poverty is there and resources are less in number on earth and all people can not enjoy them equally.This area is good for job in present time, so people start sending their kids to study that area. They are not wrong either. They love their kids and don’t want to see them suffering from poverty.People get education from schools and colleges and universities and degrees are taken and they get a permanent seal of being educated. Now in general they are not supposed to have a need to attend school though some may do short term courses to increase their knowledge in some area.Above all schools there is a school which travels all the time with every person. In this school, life plays all the roles. Life provides the premises, education, lessons, awards and punishment through this school.A person may not know how to write his name but he can be a wise man. People in different countries and places speak different languages and languages are mere tools to communicate and present thoughts in a coherent manner but they are not the end. A person not knowing German, French, English, Hindi, Tamil Telugu, Russian etc may still be a wise person and may be more wiser than the people knowing mentioned (and not mentioned) languages.
Life has its own language. It does not need words to travel. It does not differentiate between a blind, lame, deaf, dumb or a person suffering from any kind of physical inability.

Nobody gets before time and more than his fate. There is a suitable time for everything to happen.This is true also. A reaction may be swift but it still registers some digits on time scale. We may not see that recording and we call it instant reaction but it has taken some time to happen.May be time of its happening was less than the time we take in blinking our eyes.Its said when time is good then everything falls at right place. Hardly anybody expected some time back that Barak Obama who has been hitherto an unknown politician would become President of US of A. It’s a proof of role of destiny in the life of human being. One may ridicule the theory. Of course Obama needed to work hard but if it was not in his destiny to become President then all his hard work could have landed him at a barren land.

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