
Sharing a Article!! Times Are Changing Rapidly !!

1. China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world.
2. The 25% of India's population with the highest IQs is GREATER than the total population of the United States. This means that India has more honors kids than America has kids.
3. America is ranked #19 in the world for broadband Internet penetration. This means that many of our citizens lack the ability to utilize the knowledge base that is the Internet to its full potential.
4. During a five minute interval 67 babies are born in the U.S......274 in China.......395 in India.
5. For students starting a 4 year technical degree, with the rate of technological change, the information they are learning in the first two years of their course work will be obsolete by their third year.
6. The top 10 in demand jobs of 2010 didn't even exist in 2004. This means that no one is able to sit by the side lines and just do what they have always done. The modern citizen of the world needs to continuously re-invent themselves if they want to compete.
7. It is estimated that today's student will have 10 to 14 jobs by the time they are 38 years old. A majority of these jobs can be performed remotely because of this and because many people will choose to move, the mobile workforce will be active and we will see a possible disintegration of the traditional community. You will know people across the world better and more intimately than you will know your physical neighbors.
8. To drive the previous point home, 1 in 8 married couples in the U.S. met on-line. This number will increase over the next decade.
9. The number of Internet devices in 1984 was 1000.....the number in 2008 was an estimated 1,000,000,000. This number is growing faster. Ubiquitous computing is taking hold. Everything, even you, will be connected to the Internet.
10. One estimate holds that there is more information in one weeks worth of the New York Times than the average person learned in an entire lifetime in the 18th century. Talking about information overload. Because of this, we may be seeing more and more prescription drug use to allow for the stresses of this constant stimulus. There is also a trend where people are seeking drugs to enhance their ability to think and retain information.
At the end of the video they pose the question: "What does it all Mean?" It means that things are going to get faster and faster and that it will be easier and easier to fall behind. It means that your competition is getting tougher and smarter. If you do not constantly learn then you will be outdated and obsolete. If you feel that you have a job that does not require you to learn then that job can more than likely be done by a robot, replaced by computer software or will soon have so much competition for it that you will have to fight to keep it. Your children will one day argue with you about having brain implants like all of their buddies at school. Your current brain will not be able to keep up with the changes that are taking place. You will have to decide if you want to enhance yourself or not. You will have to come to the understanding that the world is truly a global place full of people that are smarter than you and they want to live life like you or better than you and because of that, there will be less for you to consume. You will have to give up some of what you have unless new technologies are put in place that will make you further question the reality of your existence and everything that you believed in your whole life.
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