
What firearms are today

 Chinese invented gunpowder in 19th century. But their use was confined to firecrackers only. Robert Bacon is also known to be the inventor of gunpowder according to a theory. He is supposedly said to have found its recipe among the chemical formulas. Regardless of who gunpowder’s inventor was, mythical monk from Germany is believed to have given idea of propelling projectile with the gunpowder in the 1300s. And Arabs are known to be inventors of earliest cannon named madfaa. This cannon was a wooden bowl with gunpowder in it and cannonball was made to stand on bowl’s rim. Metal cannon named pot de fer soon followed madfaa. Its name that meant pot of fire, described how the iron bottle gripped gunpowder. Modern cannons were developed from this model only.
 10) The M1 Garand

When Canadian engineer John Cantius Garand was hired by Springfield Armory in 1919 to develop a semi-automatic rifle, he fashioned what has become for Americans an iconic weapon. After many years perfecting his creation, Garand produced a firearm that would serve US forces well throughout the Second World War, Korea and even into Vietnam. Indeed, the Garand has had such an influence upon the American psyche that it is still used to this day by drill teams and honor guards.To the single shot bolt-action small arms of the rest of WWII’s combatants but also delivered excellent accuracy. The epitome of excellent design, coupled with the power of industrial might, it became the standard for many other gas-operated, automatically loading rifles including both the famous M16 and the iconic AK-47.General George S. Patton is often quoted as describing the weapon as: “The greatest battle implement ever devised.” As of March 15, 2010, 182 M1 Garand Rifles are still actively in use by US Army units, with another 115 serviceable rifles held for possible future issue.
9) The Bayonet

In essence, the bayonet is simply a knife attached to the end of a rifle’s barrel for use in hand-to-hand combat. It is a throwback to the medieval warfare of centuries past, and yet today it remains an invaluable part of the modern soldier’s kit and is still carried into battle by almost every infantryman in the armies of today.While the exact origins of the bayonet are unclear, the first references to its existence came in the 1640s and pointed – aptly – to the south-western French city of Bayonne. The earliest form it took was as a blade with a plug-shaped pommel for inserting it into the firearm’s muzzle, but this form was not ideal. Once plugged in it blocked the barrel completely and prevented any shots from being fired. It could also be difficult to remove if it was wedged in too firmly and if loose it would fall out or could become lodged inside an enemy, diminishing the wielder’s martial capacity.
While the bayonet was sometimes vital (such as in its role in the infantry square of Napoleonic-era combat) it often saw more action as a tool for cooking, clearing flora or digging holes. It is perhaps the undeniably significant psychological value of having that reliable, cold steel as a companion that is perhaps its greatest historical role. The cry of “Fix bayonets!” will ever be associated with girding oneself for grim tasks ahead.
8) The MG42
With a record of resilience, reliability and ease of operation that has been proven in the heat of battle, and the capacity to produce a devastating volume of fire, the Maschinengewehr 42 was a terrifying beast. Its fast-firing action and distinctive muzzle report gave the weapon a fearsome reputation, so much so that the US Army employed a training film specifically to help combat its psychological effect on Allied troops. One soldier remarked: “I remember my first reaction was one of amazement at the crushing fire power of those guns. It seemed to me that the German soldier seldom used his rifle. He was a carrier of boxes of light machine-gun ammunition of which they seemed to have an endless supply!” Indeed, the German Army thought their machine guns critical to their structure and strategy and centered their infantry tactics upon the MG42 (in contrast to the Allies).
The weapon was undoubtedly successful; it fulfilled many roles throughout WWII and even now the MG42’s legacy lives on, forming the basis for a whole host of other machineguns. Some 400,000 were manufactured by Germany during the war, and the design would outlive the Nazis considerably and influence weapons development and infantry tactics around the world
7) The Hoplon
This large, round and deeply dished shield was used to great effect by the ancient Greeks. It was both a superb defense – able to stop most weapons of the time – and its weight and thin, bronze-plated rim meant it could also be utilized as a bludgeoning weapon.
Called the aspis by the Greeks themselves, the shield’s handles were unlike any other of its time. There was a band for the left arm to slip through at the center, and a loop or rope for the hand to grasp near the edge. The unusual arrangement of these handles helps to illustrate how important the hoplon was to that great Hellenic combat formation: the phalanx.
This was a time when the armies of Greek city states comprised of citizens rather than professional soldiers, and thus a formation that would give the baker and the merchant strength in battle was paramount. At this the phalanx – and the hoplon – excelled. With the bearer’s elbow being at the shield’s center, half of the shield stuck out to the left, protecting his neighbor, and so each man became part of a greater force, interlocked and steadied.
6) The Flintlock
The flintlock was relatively inexpensive and far more reliable than previous methods of propellant ignition such as the matchlock and wheel-lock. It was also easy to operate. Gunpowder was poured into the flash pan and the frizzen closed over it to keep the powder in. When the trigger is pulled, the hammer is released and the shard of flint it grips strikes the rough surface of the frizzen, creating a small shower of sparks. These sparks ignite the pan’s powder, firing the ball. So effective was the design that it remained unchanged for two centuries. It would see action all around the world and play a major part in some of the most decisive battles, campaigns and wars of European history.
The flintlock has also greatly influenced the military drills still in use today, as the weapon positions and drill commands were originally created to standardize the carrying, loading and firing of an infantryman’s flintlock weapon while in ranks. Even everyday speech is littered with references to the venerable flintlock: ‘flash in the pan’, ‘lock, stock and barrel’ and ‘to go off half-cocked’ to name but three familiar expressions.
5) The Gatling Gun
Doctor Richard Jordan Gatling was a prolific inventor who created an eclectic range of products, from rice-sowing machines to improved toilets and bicycles, but it was the innovation of his famous (or infamous) Gatling gun that ensures his place in this list. It has been called “the gun that changed everything” and represented a significant step forward in firearms technology.

4) The Longbow
Bows have been around in one form or another for thousands of years, but one particular type stands out from the rest: the longbow. It has been called the machine gun of the Middle Ages: powerfully accurate, with considerable range and blessed with a brisk rate of fire. A skilled military bowman could loose up to 12 to 15 aimed arrows each minute and still hit a man-sized target 200 yards away – as the French found out to their cost during the Hundred Years War. At the battles of Crécy, Poitiers and Agincourt outnumbered English armies routed well-armored French opponents, inflicting many thousands of casualties while sustaining only a small fraction in return. Indeed, the longbow's intelligent implementation made England ‘the foremost power in Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries. England's armies became the most feared units in Europe.’
However, even the heaviest of longbows had difficulty penetrating the steel plate armor (especially at range) which gained popularity after 1350, and eventually by 1595 the bow was dropped from military service, supplanted by guns. England’s rulers encouraged training in the use of the longbow throughout the centuries, which typically began at the age of seven. At one time all sports were outlawed on a Sunday except for archery, while crossbows were banned outright
3) The Roman Gladius
The Roman Empire was one of the most influential cultures in the history of civilization; so influential, in fact, that the legacy of the Roman culture is still evident around us in architecture, language and literature. Helping to propagate Rome’s culture was the success of its armies, and what aided their campaigns was the sword grasped in the legionaries’ hands.
The gladius was in no way significantly superior to other hand weapons of the time, but its role as the literal cutting edge of Rome’s conquering armies ensures its importance among weapons.
2) The Maxim Gun
Sir Hiram Maxim’s 1884 recoil-operated invention would change the face of the battlefield and alter world history forever. Operated by a four to six man crew, the Maxim was a water-cooled and belt-fed heavyweight. Although the poor reliability record of the crank-operated machine guns that came before Maxim’s weapon stopped it from being snapped up immediately, his flamboyant sales techniques, successful trials and the gun’s ability to fire continuously for hours on end (and even its much-recounted aptitude at felling trees) soon convinced the Western world of its awesome capabilities

1) The AK-47
The AK-47 is a legendary firearm. It is the most widely-manufactured single weapon in modern history. With a form that has become iconic, it is synonymous with revolution, civil war and communism. Its image adorns t-shirts, posters and even a national flag. Even someone with little knowledge of firearms would probably be able to identify the venerable AK-47.
Designed in the late 1940s by Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov for the Soviet Army, the Avtomat Kalashnikova 47 that bears his name was not just easy to fabricate but also quickly earned a reputation for being straightforward to use and undemanding to maintain – not to mention cheap. While by some margin not the most accurate rifle in the world, the large gaps between its moving parts meant that the rifle was a rugged battlefield tool which could tolerate operating conditions that would jam a lesser weapon.
It is estimated that some 100 million members of the Kalashnikov family of firearms are currently in existence (most of them are likely to be AKMs, a ‘modernized’ version of the AK-47 with a stamped receiver, produced since 1959). They are used by the armed forces of at least 82 countries and are manufactured by at least 14 other nations.
The rifle and its later variants have been produced in such huge numbers that even armed forces which are not issued with the AK as standard are still instructed in its use. With so many units worldwide, ‘the world’s favorite weapon’ might still make more history.
In spite of the gun's popularity and success, Kalashnikov himself received no financial benefits other than his state pension. He would even go on to outline his regret that the weapon has not been regulated effectively and ended up in unscrupulous hands, remarking that he wished he had invented the lawnmower instead.

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