
Candidate interviewing skills…………………

"Of course we screen candidates for their writing skills," Who frequently sits on panels to interview candidates. "But when it comes down to it, we know that we have to live and rub shoulders with whomever we hire. We'll sacrifice in some areas to get someone we really want to work with, and if we see even a hint of negative attitude or rudeness on the part of a candidate, we are done with that person."
Some job seekers might see this as a manager just wanting "yes sir" type candidates. For their part, they feel like they have a right to just tell it like it is and are upset when their viewpoints aren't well received. But that really isn't what this hiring manager is talking about.
Here are some do's and don'ts for being a likable candidate:
1. Be respectful when offering your critique. For example, you might be asked to look at a company's website and offer your opinion about it. If you hate how the site looks and feels, remember that the person who asked the question may be he one who designed the website. Instead of saying, "your site is terrible," you might say instead, "I can see what you are trying to do here, but there are some things I could focus on to improve it."
2. Show up on time. Think of your interview as a time when you model the behavior you will exhibit after you are hired. No boss wants to be ready for a meeting and have key people keep him or her waiting to begin.
As a sign of respect, you must honor your commitment to be at every business meeting without wasting other people's time. If you are driving to an interview and aren't familiar with exactly where you are going, it is wise to make a dry run the day before to see traffic patterns and how long it will take you to get there.
3. Show up prepared. It is always a good idea when you are setting up an in-person interview to proactively ask the person who is inviting you into the company what topics will be covered and what materials the person or panel would want to see.
Say you will be giving a presentation. Make certain that if you bring it on a laptop or thumb drive, you save it in multiple formats (such as PowerPoint and PDF), in case there is a computer glitch.
4. Avoid overconfidence. Well seasoned human resources staff and recruiters are experts at making you feel welcome and comfortable. They may say some flattering things as a part of their job of assembling a pool of highly interested and motivated candidates. And, truth be told, they likely are impressed with you, or else you wouldn't be invited for the interview.
Don't assume from any of this that you are a lock for the job. Friendliness and compliments do not constitute a job offer, and other candidates are probably receiving similar messages. So, don't be lulled into complacency. The people interviewing you should be friendly, but they aren't your friends yet.
5. Make friends with the receptionist. The people who greet you at the door and usher you to a seat while you are waiting to be called into your interview are often quizzed about your words and behavior with them. Avoid saying anything to them you wouldn't want the CEO to hear. Your interview begins when you push the door open to the office, and it's important to act professionally at every moment.
6. Speak with your interviewers, not at them. Remember that your interview is a structured conversation. While you may have a whole song and dance prepared and messages you are convinced you must convey, slow down and listen. People can easily tell when you are spouting out a canned response to a question. Moreover, they get annoyed when you are off point in your responses to their questions.

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