
Relax and Ride

I'm really passionate about what I'm doing, my work/research in the evenings is the most interesting thing that I do, but the feeling that my body wants the quality daily break is so strong...I was considering one of the "crunch mode" approaches - the notorious coffee in large quantities, but I'm not sure that it is works when I try it...a week ago I quit drinking coffee (for third time in my life), generally I feel alright, but I'm still searching for more optimizations, and not completely sure whether the coffee for example does more good that harm for this particular lifestyle.Almost everybody has heard the cliché that "if one is really passionate about something, he will find way to work at nights [with the help of tons of caffeine and whatever he uses to stimulates his brain cells...]", and if it is true that every cliché has good amount of truth in it, maybe the stimulants of some sort are needed in these situations (day job + side projects/mISV/studying at night)...but the relaxing is complete mystery to me...

Remember how you beat the heat is how you take your mind and energy to success- Saj

1 comment:

Vinodh Kankanalu said...

In my point of view the best way to relax in order to work for longer hours is to Listen to some really nice MUSIC or watching any Comedy collection. Charlie Chaplin or like that.

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