
Donot Let Emotions Rule Your Life !!!!

Letting feelings become too important

You can’t regulate your emotions or how you feel, but you can deal with them sensibly by learning how to react to them. If you do this you will differentiate yourself from those who are up or down from one minute to the next because they think what goes on inside their head is what’s important.

We are responsible for our actions and can’t blame anyone else for how we behave.

What you need to get clear about emotions
Actions are what matters; that’s all others can see or react to. Don’t be seen as someone who is up or down from one minute to the next because you’ve let your emotions take over your life.
Emotions easily lead you astray. Like everyone else you probably have days when you feel you’d like to kick the cat or snub your neighbor, but you don’t do it. You restrain yourself and keep your emotions to yourself.
Don’t expect others to take your emotions as seriously as you do. They won’t care about how you feel, they’ll be far too interested in their own feelings.
Emotions can be a waste of time and energy. Spending lots of time over concern with your emotions can lead to procrastination. You won’t get things done if you’re busy stuck in introspection of the causes of your emotions.

How can you handle emotions properly?
What you do and how you act matters. Whether you have negative or positive feelings is much less important than what you do about them. We are responsible for our actions and can’t blame anyone else for how we behave. Even if you had a difficult start in life you are not required to repeat the mistakes or behaviors of your parents.
Keep things in proportion so that even if your emotions come into play you can restrain yourself from reacting. Bad actions can’t be justified by how you feel. Take responsibility for how you behave and never let your emotions take over your life. It doesn’t matter how you feel. The people around you will judge you by what you do, the actions you take and how you conduct your life

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